4 Proven Best Practices for Renewing Your Texas Liquor License

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It’s that time again! 

Every two years your Texas liquor license or permit needs to be renewed with the state. You must renew on time to avoid having your permit canceled. 

We get it. Being a business owner is time-consuming and the days fly by! 

But renewing your license is not something you should forget about or overlook. Without it, you might not have much of a business to operate. 

It’s hard to un-do the canceling of your permit. If this happens, you’ll have to start over with a new permit, leaving your business closed until a new license is approved. 

Which could set you back two to three months. 

Saying “it’s a pain” to get your Texas liquor license reinstated after it gets canceled is a bit of an understatement. 

You should receive a reminder from the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) when your license is nearing expiration. This is typically sent as a mailer to your address on file with a friendly reminder of your “renew by” date. 

Mark that date in your calendar - it’s an important one! 

So now that it’s time to renew your license, where do you begin? 

Renewal involves some quick paperwork and a processing fee. 

Follow these four tips on how to renew your Texas liquor license and the process will be a breeze!

Get ahead of schedule

We recommend you get your Texas liquor license renewed between 15 and 30 days before it expires. 

The earliest you can submit for renewal is 30 days before your permit’s expiration date. If you have the time, go for it! 

Our point is, it’s always better to get things done early. Especially when it comes to paperwork.

It’s great to have the buffer time in case an issue pops up with your renewal. 

Maybe there’s a TABC update you forgot about or a change to your business you need to manage. Things evolve over two years, so don’t assume the process will be the same each time.

The other thing is, there isn’t much deadline flexibility here. 

Your permit will end on the date of expiration if you have not submitted it for renewal. The TABC will also need to receive payment by the expiration date to prevent your license from expiring. 

If you’ve missed the deadline, there is a 60 day grace period to get your renewal paperwork processed. But, you will not be able to use your permit during this time and until the TABC receives your renewal application and payment. 

There’s also a $100 late fee per permit (both primary and secondary) for applications submitted after the permit expiration. 

Note: Due to COVID-19, Governor Abbott has asked the TABC to waive these fees for up to 30 days as businesses manage the impact of the pandemic.

Even with this temporary relief, we still encourage you to get your Texas liquor license renewed sooner rather than later. Once the 30-day timer starts ticking, get working!

Confirm your business details

Before getting started, make sure you have all of the necessary information about your business and permit holder. 

The TABC is going to be looking for things like the permit holder’s contact information and ownership information. These details should be up to date. If something has changed for the permit holder, get the information updated before proceeding. 

Most of the time, if nothing has changed with the permit holder then you are good to go.

Another essential detail for the application process is contact information. You will be asked to provide this as part of your renewal, and the TABC will use it to reach out to you as your application progresses. 

Pieces like a mailing address, phone number, and email address are very important. Double-check that this information is submitted correctly. 

If the TABC has any issues with your renewal, this is how they will get in touch with you. Failure to respond could threaten your permit. 

Even if you enter your contact information correctly, please make sure that you are checking your mail, answering phone calls, and reading your email. 

Don’t let the small details be the reason your renewal application gets held up or canceled. Your business can’t afford it.

Renew online with the TABC

Online processing is easy, saving you a trip to the TABC and giving you more time to operate your business. 

The TABC prefers that you submit online. It makes their life much easier. 

So much so that soon online will be the only way to renew your Texas liquor license. If you haven’t renewed online before, now is a great time to get familiar with it. 

There are several benefits to renewing your Texas liquor license online.

First, you will get a quick confirmation that your renewal has been submitted. This reassurance is helpful for you as a business owner and can be saved in your files as confirmation. 

Second, you can pay by credit card online. If you mail in your renewal, the TABC will only accept a check written by the permit holder, a money order, or a cashier’s check. 

You can also use an ACH transaction when renewing online if that works best for you. 

Plus, an online payment will process instantly. When you mail a payment, you run the risk of it not arriving in time and delaying your renewal application. 

After you pay online, you should receive confirmation of your payment. Save this for your records too!

Budget for your renewal fee

Fees vary for the renewal of your license and permit in Texas, depending on the type your business has. 

Some types like the Mixed Beverage Permit or Mixed Beverage Restaurant Permit offer reduced renewal fees over time. For example, third-year and subsequent renewals of a Mixed Beverage Permit cost $3,000 less than the first renewal. 

To determine the exact cost of renewing a Texas liquor license, view the TABC Fee Chart

Additional fees may also be assessed by the city or county where your business is located. It is your responsibility to contact the relevant authorities in your area and determine if you owe any additional amounts. Failure to pay local fees may result in administrative penalties that impact your license or permit.


Is it your first time renewing your Texas liquor license? 

Are you having a hard time navigating the process? 

The Storm Liquor license team is here for you! Contact us and we would be happy to be in touch.

You can also join our newsletter to stay updated on the latest TABC developments, including any impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic.
